Metcalf Chess New 12/6

Hi chess families..
Forms went out this week for chess shirts..this order is only done once a year.  Parents are welcome to order one as well….all orders must be in an envelope and returned by this Saturday.

Forms went out this week for our party at SMAAASH at the MOA on Dec 15th.  Chaperones needed.  Registrations must be in an envelope and returned by this Saturday.

Hope you once again can sign up for concession hours this Saturday at the district tourney..Reminder that all club members are asked at least one time each year to help set up or take down.  If your child has not done this yet, please go to the sign up page and sign them up if they can do it this Saturday..even if they are not playing in the event. Here is the link:

We have a great opportunity and a date available for our next Cub bagging…please sign up today for our Dec 23rd event! Here is the link:

Thanks to all those players that played at the Fall Grade Level last Saturday.

The 9-12 champ-our own Gavin Kellen. The 8th grade champ was our own Calvin York and the 8th grade team picked up a first place trophy!

If you are shopping for a chess holiday gift for a loved one, consider getting it through Metcalf we offer a discount for club members…contact coach Ribnick ( for any chess equipment you may need.

Go Metcalf!