Metcalf Chess News Updates 2/15

Hello Chess Families!

Thanks to all the chaperones for making the lifetime fitness party a success on Sunday!

Things are a buzzing in the chess world!
Thursday’s open chess is called off due to my uncle Jerry’s passing and need to be in Miami Beach for his funeral.
Friday is our final day of the regular season as we have our league matches at Metcalf.  Looks very likely Metcalf A will face Highview at about 430 for the state middle school league title!  This day is for our top 25 boards.
Saturday is one of the bigger team and individual events of the season..the State Gradelevel TMT at Metcalf..To succeed as a team we need a good turnout. Flyers went out Tuesday with the wrong date (should say Feb 17).   Still have an opening for one student to help set up concessions at 715 (remember we ask everyone on the team to do at least one set up per year).  Also one parent opening still in the afternoon shift..if not filled by 7PM Thursday we will give that shift up to another school.
And of course Saturday is our auction at Metcalf..please continue spreading the word to check it out to friends and neighbors.
We go back to regular Tuesday/Thursday clubs next week.
Monday night all three levels of chess lessons are in session.  Remember, everyone gets one free lesson to check it out..Metcalf Room 109..Advanced beginner is at  630…Those with high dedication and willingness to improve the fastest should be there!
There were 29 students that indicated in writing they had an interest in going to chess nationals in Atlanta.  The parents of those 29 were sent a survey to see if they had an interest in seeing their child attend.  Thank you for the 20 that completed it in the affirmative by the due date Feb 13.  Now lets try to make 20 dreams come true and make this happen for all.
Now, the Minnesota Open State Championships are Feb 23-25th in Plymouth.  Flyers went out Tuesday. It is the best training tournament of the entire year.  All those attending will leave as better players.
Those going to Atlanta are required to go to the Winter Open last January or the MN OPEN.  Best situation is to go to both of course. If you want the cheapest rates, entries are due in to me THIS SATURDAY BY 4PM.  I will only accept entries in envelopes.  The reason we always throw in a hotel option is twofold…One is that the rounds can go quite late at 11PM.…the other is to replicate the hotel experience students will be having in Atlanta…this is a dry run for nationals in every aspect.  But of course that is just an option…
And also hoping you are all working the taproom sales which wrap up Tuesday.
And as always, remember our requirement of a minimum of one hour of week online training..sure need your help with that.
So…hope that is enough chess news for you!!!
Go Metcalf !
Brian Ribnick
Metcalf Chess Coach

Fundraising Updates – Pizza, Silent Auction, Taproom

Metcalf Chess Families-

A couple pieces of info on Fundraising.

Pizza Sales:  A strong final push for pizza sales!  Please bring forms and money to Chess Club on Tuesday (Feb 13th)  Make a copy of the form before you turn it in, so you know who to deliver them to when they arrive.

Silent Auction:  The annual Metcalf Masters Silent Auction will be held Feb 17th.   Over $7000 in items have been generously donated by local businesses, individuals, and companies.  The auction is open to the public, and competitive bidding will help our fundraising efforts.  Please share the event with your social networks!

Taproom Tour:  We are in full swing promoting and selling tickets.  We have gotten a lot of positive feedback on the event, but need to sell tickets for it to be a success.  Ticket Sales packets were handed out last week to interested club members to bring home.  Orders and money should be turned in at chess club on February 20th.  Tickets will be distributed on Feb 22nd.  Help make our inaugural event a fun and successful fundraiser!  Bring your friends, bring your neighbors, Share!  Tickets can also be purchased online at:

Andy Johnson
Metcalf Chess
Fundraising Coordinator

Metcalf News 2/8

Hi chess families!
Well you can see how active things get once the season gets underway! Lots happening.
Friday Feb 9– League matches at Metcalf..we will not be in the lunchroom, but in Room 109 or media center for the matches, due to a school party.
Saturday Feb 10–chess lessons…hope to see most of our team take advantage of the masters teaching this day.  You should have all received the flyer for these fantastic lessons.  Players really show they want to get to the next level quickly by their attendance.  Also, everyone gets a free lesson to at least check it out.  For most of the team, they will be in the advanced beginner group which is from 11 to 12 in Room 109 at Metcalf. The intermediate and advanced groups follow that.
Sunday Feb 11..Party time…one of the big ways our team bonds and have the chance to make connections/friends for life​ is our important parties. I gave everyone today a sheet of what to bring (each student brings a snack or drink item for sharing and it is indicated on the sheet who brings what)  If your child lost their sheet, they can pick it up Friday after school in Room 109 or at the lessons Saturday or  you can email me for a copy.  Parents need to sign their kids in at the front desk and mention metcalf chess party.
Monday Feb 12…more lessons for intermediate/advanced students.
Tues Feb 13…Only club of next week!
Needed: A few parents who can do some detective work finding metcalf chess alumni on facebook…directions on how to do this will be given…we are going to get some fundraising info out to them for our team is the reason.  Contact Coach Ribnick if you can volunteer to do this.
Sell Sell Sell…we are in the heart of our fundraising season…hope your students are doing their best with the pizza sales and the taproom sales.
Feb 17//The State Gradelevel Tmt at Metcalf…we need SO much help at this.  PLEASE sign up in the sign up genius ASAP. Here is the link:  Remember ..ALL families expected to give a minimum of 4 hours  per season.  PLUS, for those who would like to acquire some help for Atlanta this year, you need to get those volunteer hours in .  This is the event where it is most critical as WE NEED YOU!!! SIGN UP TODAY.
Thanks to all those that have devoted time and energy to the silent auction coming up…hope you all got a chance to acquire items for this big day. If not, please spread the word to friends and neighbors to attend on Saturday Feb 17th at Metcalf!!
Go Metcalf!!

Brian A. Ribnick

Metcalf Middle School 

​Chess Coach